marți, 20 ianuarie 2009


Va dati seama ca a venit si momentul cand trebuia sa vorbesc despre gadgeturi. Nu voi face prezentari exhaustive ale lor, ca sunt destule site-uri de review-uri. Dar, le voi enumera pe cele 3 piese de rezistenta pe care ne bazam in excursie :
  1. GPS : Asus MyPal A639
    Software-ul pe el e IGo2008. Traseul facut .. singurul lucru ce ramane de facut sunt speedcams si POI:
  2. Walkie-Talkie : Cobra MT800 netestata inca, dar cu 2 minusuri mari : nu stii daca se incarca sau ce face cand e pe curent, si VOX nu merge cu hands-free-ul pus (nu stie sa faca microfonul sa monitorizeze nivelul de zgomot)
  3. Detector radar , ceva Cobra nu mai stiu modelul acum . Conform wikipedia, pare a fi legal in Ungaria . Oricum am gasit pe ceva forum urmatoarele :

    Radars: Ka Narrow band (34.3GHz), K band (24.125GHz), Ku band (13.450GHz).
    Lidars: ProLaserII, ProLaserIII.
    RD and laser jammers are legal.
    FIX SPEED TRAP: yes!
    NJL - SCS-102, Stationary LIDAR based speed trap!
    RD and laser jammers are legal.

    Ramer-7, AD9 (made in the Czech rep.)
    Ka-band: 34.00GHz and 34.30GHz
    Usually built in cars, mainly Skoda Fabia, Skoda Felicia, VW Passat, VW Golf, Audi S4 - used either as stationary or mobile. Tripods are rarely used.
    + LTI 20-20 Micro Digi-Cam
    As radars used by the police have a very low output power they are only reliably detectable by:
    - Beltronics 945, 965, 995, 975 - ONLY with special firmware (Ka narrow)
    - Target 550, Bel RX65Euro(with 34.0GHz narrow frequency)
    - Valentine one set to Euro mode
    - STi-R looks promising too
    Lidar: approved devices:
    Lavet (=PLIII with an Omympus camera), FamaLaserIII (PLIII with a video camera), LTI 20-20 UltraLyte Compact MicroDigicam, Riegl FG21-P with a camera
    Fixed speed traps fitted with Ramer-7 or AD9 radars, 34.00GHz. One is on the 108km of the D1 highway ( )
    Automatic stationary vascar - white lines across the road, cameras above each lane @ start and finish (planned & approved for use, currently installed when entering Bratilava from the D2 highway)
    also RD and LJ are banned as of Feb 1st 2009
    Oricum cum nu vreau sa ajung in situatii dificile, il voi ascunde daca e cazul.
Evident ca voi avea cu mine si laptop, 2 telefoane, incarcatoare , cabluri, storage. Pustiu s-a abonat cu camera video, asa ca m-a scutit pe mine de inca 1 gadget in plus. Nici camere foto ca stiti deja ca de partea artistica nu sunt raspunzator.

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